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De Leemskuilen

Opening period: 01/04 t/m 31/10
Target prices: Low season: € 16,00 High season: € 17,50
Average location: 125㎡
Amount of touring places: 18
Amount of camper places: 18
Payment method options
Debit card
Affiliated with
Contact information
Buikheide 10 A
5512 PB Vessem
51.448306 / 5.280563
From Utrecht
961 km
get in touch
Kom, Zie en Bewonder, ervaar zelf de rust en vrijheid op onze camping
Languages spoken
  • Dutch
Member of
  • Anwb
  • 6 ampere
Accommodation options
  • Tent
  • Caravan
  • Camper
  • Side tent
  • Car-free pitch
  • Pitches with shadow
  • Pitches without shadow
  • Farmer's camping site
  • Pitches with their own water tap point
  • Marked out places
Payment possibilities
  • Debit card
  • Dogs
  • On a leash
Type of camping site
  • Mini camping site
  • Senior citizen camping site
  • Farm camping
Type of soil/ground camping site
  • Grassland
  • Washbasins cold water
  • Washbasins hot water
  • Hot water showers
  • Showers mixer tap
  • Heated sanitary facilities
  • Seat toilets
  • Hand soap available
  • Toilet paper available in the toilets
  • Cistern chemical toilet
  • Water tap points near site
  • Freezing cooling elements
  • Marked trails
  • Cycle routes
  • Euro plug required
  • Reservations recommended
  • Paths roads lit up
  • Quiet day and night
  • Free Wifi
  • BBQ allowed
From highway
  • In km: 5.00
  • In minutes: 10.00
Public transport - distance from:
  • Airport: 6.00
The weather in Vessem
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